Supplemental Treatment for Canine Cancer

Zoey, Stick it to Canine CancerThere’s a lot of talk about the use of supplements when treating cancer in dogs and cats, and while I’m not an expert on this topic, I do however believe that there are tremendous benefits to including supplements for the health of your best friend.

Using supplements alone, or in addition to surgery or chemotherapy is the route many pet owners choose to go, but every cancer patient is different, and supplemental treatment should be tailored to your pet’s individual needs. There is no “one size fits all”. Using Supplements to Fight Cancer provides information about studies on the use of supplemental support, and may help in your decision. Do your research carefully, and always check with your veterinarian or oncologist before incorporating any supplement as part of your treatment plan to make sure that it won’t have any adverse effects on your pet.

Along with feeding a healthy diet, some of the supplements to consider in boosting your dog’s immunity include, mushrooms, turmeric, and spirulina. And remember, it is also important to consider whether or not chemotherapy or surgery will help in your fight. When it comes down to it, the goal is to gain more quality time with your dog.