Canine Cancer and Artemisinin

Zoey Says Stick It To Canine CancerCheck out this article from Dogs Naturally Magazine, Artemisinin and Canine Cancer! Artemisinin, which is a compound found in the wormwood plant, has been used in laboratory experiments, and killed virtually all human breast cancer cells in a test tube while nearly all of the normal cells exposed to it were still alive. I’m especially intrigued by the dog with osteosarcoma so severe that it couldn’t walk across the room, but made a complete recovery within five days of receiving the treatment. Images from X-rays showed the animal’s tumor “had basically disappeared”!

I’m not saying this is a cure all, but as the article states, Artemisinin looks promising as a more natural alternative to chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and may be an important substance to discuss with your holistic vet.

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