January 5, 2010
“You can never forget the people who change your life. You become a different person, and everything you do is slightly altered by what they taught you.” -Ryanna Porter

Photo by Kristin Adams
When I began writing this story it was the start of new beginnings. I was fresh off the heels of a job gone stale, and excited to be starting something new. I looked to the future and its bright promise; always focusing on what would or could be and I took many things for granted. I will always remember the day that changed the path I had envisioned; the day that forced me to look at life quite differently. My plans came to an abrupt halt, and the story changed course, becoming a way to express the emotions I experienced from Cain’s diagnosis of cancer. I never envisioned the full impact that his cancer would have on me and how it would touch my life. Each day that passes still presents mountains to climb, and each breath that I take, continues to help me heal.
The journey is far from over, and never to ceases to bring the most incredible and amazing people into my life. I find that no matter the bond we share, be it with animals or humans, we all share one simple thing…love. With its sweet message no text book can teach, love has reached out to me, just as I have reached out for it.
Cain’s message lives on, and with that said, so does this page. My first post of the new year is dedicated to old friends and new friends and a whole lot of inspiration. In no particular order, I thank you for coming into my life and Cain’s, you make this story that much sweeter…
–Ken K, with you by my side, the dark moments fade with your light. You are my soul mate, and best two legged friend.
-Justin Kaliszewski
-Kyle Kaliszewski
(How did I get so lucky, twice!)
-Dr. Todd Rezac, Dr. Laura Deloatch, Dr. Sam Lane, Dr. Ray Cox, Dr. Laurie Thornton, Corky Zygowicz and the entire staff at Deer Creek Animal Hospital, Littleton, Colorado
-Dr. Barbara Biller, Dr. Stephen Withrow, Dr. David Twedt, Dr. Jenna Burton, Dr. Emma Warry, Dr. Sue Lana, Dr. Bill Culp, Oncology nurses: Mary, Elizabeth and Kris, Dr. Kelly Carlsten, Dr. Christine Hardy, Bob Provopulos and the Colorado State University Animal Cancer Center, Ft. Collins, Colorado
-Gail Bishop, Erin Allen – Argus Institute – Colorado State University
–Wheatridge Animal Hospital – Wheatridge, Colorado
–Earth Dog – Cain looked so handsome in his hemp collar with stars
-Kristin Adams – Kristin Adams Pet Photography, Thank you my sweet friend, for capturing the most beautiful moments of Cain.
–Starbucks – For their Petite Vanilla Scones, and support of 438,000 hours.
-Carrie Lewis Moore/Owner – Lewis and Bark Pet Goods – Friend and supporter of 438,000 hours – Littleton, Colorado
-The Morrison Inn – Supporter of 438,000 hours – Morrison, Colorado
–Cafe Terracotta – Awesome cafe, Supporter of 438,000 hours, Littleton, Colorado
–Logos Your Way – Promotional products, Supporter of 438,000 hours Lone Tree, Colorado
-Sue Standish-Coffey, Phenix Salon Suites and Tom Coffey, Coffey Wood Designs – Friends and Supporters of 438,000 hours – Colorado Springs, Colorado
-Joy and Steve Chandler – friends and Supporters of 438,000 hours, Littleton, Colorado (additional thanks to Arnold Palmer!)
-Graphique Fine Art Photography – Supporter of 438,000 hours
-Newell Hetrick – Never ending supporter of me. Thanks for taking me and Cain “on the road” and putting up with all of the drool and dog hair.
-Rexanne Schwartz-Hetrick – Always there for me.
–Best Friends Animal Society – Kanab, Utah – Words cannot describe…just go there!
-The View – 12/09/2009 Episode with Aretha Franklin singing “Chain of Fools”
-Ellen DeGeneres – The Ellen Show, Thanks for making me laugh and for being a tireless advocate for animals
-Oprah Winfrey – The Oprah Winfrey Show
-Good Morning America – Robin Roberts, George Stephanopolous-thanks for going back to check on your dog!
-Torry Johnson
-The Jimmy Kimmel Show for comedic moments of escape
–Jolly Pets, Inc. – Jolly Ball aka the subject for “The Red Rubber Ball”
-The Boys in the bands:
–30 Seconds to Mars – “A Beautiful Lie”- their inspirational video filmed in Greenland
–Foo Fighters – Thanks for saving me on a lonely stretch of highway
–Counting Crows – Same highway!
–John Shipe – “Pit Bull Blues”
-The Thump Brothers
–Joe Fornothin – 438,000 hours!
–Brand New
–Phil Tromburg (Jensen)
-Sadie – May your tail always wag
-Bear – In your silent world, I know that you hear me
-Screech – aka JoeJoe K – Katrina survivor, my special gift on a lonely trip
-Giles Hetrick – you know what I’m talking about
-Vicki Albert, Linda Turner, Mackenzie Turner, Uncle Lenny, Michael Hetrick, Debra Coleman, Joyce Lukasik, Denise O’Brien, Katie O’Brien, Scott Kaliszewski, Pam Henry, Susan Cox, Patty Duperreault, Rene Duperreault, Megan Duperreault, Kayla Duperreault, Ann Purcell, Dan Purcell, Melissa Miller, Jacob Hetrick, Joseph Hetrick, Aileen Walden, Ledy VanKavage, Marti Stoffel, Mary Pat Dutton, Laura Rethoret, Mary Smith, Jennifer Johnson, Kirsten, Ann Allums, Lisa, Mark Hetrick, Larry Hetrick, Josie Berman, Kathy Lilja, Erin Thorne, Amy Matzen, Wendy Kaliszewski, Heather Heren, Dawn Johnston, Kevin Kaliszewski, Elizabeth Leon-Harris, Bobby Thomas, Niki Adams, Juan, Julie, Rosemarie McCullough, Gig Sassano, Janet Thormod, Rich Gasparian, Gisele Mitchell, Kenny Hetrick, Corrine Carpenter, Demauri Malin, Thomas Malin, Bruce Bruno, Sue Sterling-Yeager, Fran Baumgartner, Karen Rubin, Megan Anderson, Mary Anne Sedler, Samantha Fairchild, Rose Mayr, Ken Smith, Pam Smith, Matt Delk, Pam Nelson, Lee Mount, Rene Mount, Barb Hodgin, Jim Hodgin, Jan Walker, Don Walker, Kellie Graves, Cindy Folger, Steve Gess, Tom Cohan, Jan Cohan, David Dorrity, Gabriella Dorrity, Kacie, Rocky, Mickey, Connie Caruso, Cheri Betar and Murium (see you in my dreams)
–Rebecca Blackbyrd – Animal Communicator
–Mary Powers – Intuitive, Healer & Medium – for a day in March 2008
-Ali Wentworth – you always make me see the funny side.
–MaxFund of Denver
–Wild Horse Winery
–Ted Schneck – Author “Curing Canine Cancer”
-Brenda Edwards Domyan – Author “Voices In The Canyon”
-Cynthia Rylant, Author “Dog Heaven”
-Gene Hill
–BMW – so many road trips in the 325xi
–Nature’s Variety
–Sojourner Farms
–Canine Caviar
-The Vicktory Dogs – Amazing!