My Birthday Wishes 2014!

IMG_8837It was four (4) years ago today, on 10/10/10, that I made my entrance into the world, and I can’t believe how quickly the years have passed!

I was just a pup when my mom was asked to foster my brother and me. Just a tiny, free spirited girl, who would change the course of my human girl’s life in more ways than she could imagine. She won’t tell you this, but I will…she was a mess! Oh geez, she’s going to kill me now! Before I arrived on the scene, she had lost her heart dog Cain to cancer, so I helped her the only way I know how, by sharing my love.

I worked my magic on her, and while I’m not certain that her heart will ever fully heal, what I do know is this. The love that she shared with her Cain has been shared with everyone she meets, including me, and it is truly incredible to see how that special love carries on in everything that we do, which brings me back to myself and the day I arrived on 10/10/10. I happen to think that 10/10/10 is a very special set of numbers so each birthday I begin the day by making 10 wishes which I’ll share now.

I wish for….

Wish #1… I wish for smiles! Lots and lot of smiles! Share your smile with me, and light up the world with happiness.
Wish #2… I wish for love.♥ Don’t waste a second…tell those you love, that you love them and tell them often.
Wish #3… I wish for kindness. Always be kind to one another, very, very kind.

I wish that…

Wish #4…I wish that Wishcuit’s ‘Warning Signs of Cancer in Pet Animals’ information card will be shared, and shared, and shared some more, so more pets can be diagnosed earlier, and way more lives can be saved.

warning signs 2013

Wish #5…I wish that cancer will become no more than a six letter word.
Wish #6…I wish that someday the name of my blog and Facebook page will be changed to, “Zoey Says We Stuck It To Canine Cancer”

I wish that some of the other things I advocate for will see change…

Wish #7…I wish that…breed specific legislation will be outlawed everywhere and NO dog will be discriminated against, based on their breed or the way that they look.
Wish #8…I wish that more people will adopt animals from shelters or rescues.
Wish #9…I wish that laws protecting animals will change and that any human who dares… mistreat, abuse, neglect, abandon, fight them, over-breed mom’s and dad’s and dump them when they can’t breed anymore…will be punished severely for their crime.

For my mom’s Cain, and all animals and humans whose lives have been touched by cancer, I wish that…

Wish #10..I wish that my Love Adds Up campaign makes an even bigger impact this year, raising funds to help find a cure for cancer, and helping dogs in need. Wishcuit, Love Adds Up, rescues, canine cancer

And finally (yes it’s number 11, because I’ve got one to grow on!)…

On a fun note I wish that…

Wish #11..I wish that my Facebook page will reach 15,000 before my next birthday!