Are Ficus Houseplants Poisonous to Dogs?

twigs.jpgEddie has a fondness for sticks, and he’s always nosing around the yard in search of the perfect twig, only to have it promptly taken away, because sticks as we all know, are not meant for chewing. Well it appears that my little brother had a busy afternoon on the inside! As the evidence shows, he was caught red handed, or perhaps I should say red pawed, chewing on the Benjamin Ficus tree, which has held its decorative place in a corner of the dining room for nearly 10 years…until now!

The Ficus elastica, otherwise known as the Indian rubber tree, common rubber tree plant, or the common fig tree (Ficus carica, F. Lyrata and F.benjamina) contains an irritating sap. When pets are exposed to this plant, it can cause both gastrointestinal and dermatological irritation.

Common signs to watch for include:

Skin inflammation
Redness to the skin

Eddie was caught napping after the chew fest, and I’m happy to say that he’s doing just fine. As for the Benji tree… it’s headed to a safer part of the house!